Ecology and Biodiversity
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Issue 64 - this research looked at fire history to determined the impact of different fire interval sequences upon biodiversity in the forests and shrublands of south-west...
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The vast majority of Australian bushfires occur in the savannas of the tropical north. While the Aboriginal tradition of landscape burning has waned, prescribed fire remains the...
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Human population and climate changes directly affect fire regimes and associated risks. Risk management now emphasises assessment, measurement and mitigation of risks to a wide...
Curing describes the annual or seasonal cycle of grasses dying and drying out. The proportion of cured material in grassland fuel (indicated by a “curing value”) is a critical...
       This project, led by Professor Mark Adams of the University of Sydney, was a significant extension to the work of the Bushfire CRC. Following the devastating alpine...
Research in the USA, equally applicable in Australia, provides a simple economic analysis that explains much of the social and biophysical context for bushfire impacts at the...
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For land managers, understanding the impacts of fire on the environment is important. The ecologically sustainable management of forest ecosystems depends on understanding...
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South-west Western Australia is one of the most fire-prone regions in the world due to the combination of a Mediterranean-type climate with hot dry summers and the presence of...
This project represented the first national study of tree decline caused by reduced frequency or absence of fire. In New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania...
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Most studies of impacts of fire on ecological processes have dealt largely with single fire events, examining fire at localised scales without reference to the variability of...
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This project successfully developed fire severity mapping to use in fire management in the tropical savannas and rangelands of northern Australia. It also applied the data to...
Prescribed fires over large forest areas are essential to reduce the risk of large-scale bushfires, particularly in forests near population centres and important forest assets...
Issue 57 - The research is looking at the spatial patterns of soil carbon and nitrogen after fire in a eucalypt (jarrah) forest.
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Issue 56: This project led to the construction of a groundbreaking Rapid Deployment Greenhouse Gas Laboratory, which can work independently and continuously for several days in...
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Issue 55: This research provides guidance on the types of sediment traps to use - hay bales, coir bales or silt fencing - to reduce the amount of mobilised sediment reaching water...
Issue 53: This project addresses the rate of natural die-off in common grass species and provides a way to adapt agricultural modelling to predict curing rates across temperate...
Issue 49 - Forest Flammability is a next-generation fire behaviour model that reveals the complex links between fire behaviour and forest ecology.
Issue 48: Understanding historical variation in bushfire patterns in southern Western Australia, to provide a baseline for future fire regime comparison.
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Issue 47: This research investigates the composition of plants with different fire response traits across a mountainous region of south-eastern Australia, and the role fire plays...
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Issue 46 - This ground-breaking research examines the critically important role of soil carbon dynamics in Australian sub-alpine ecosystems.
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Issue 37 - A study on the premature decline of eucaplyt forests.
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Issue 36 - Burning for biodiversity through traditional fire management.
Issue 32 - This Fire Note is a summary of the review of the research relating to the effects of fire on vegetation in the Australian high country.
Issue 31 - Remote sensing of forest canopies to quantify burn severity.
Issue 28 - This Fire Note looks at research from the HighFire project on the combined effects of fire and grazing on managing fuel loads in high country environments.
Issue 26 - Phil Lacy PhD research on fuel management in eucalyptus plantations.
